Infection Fatality Rate

If you catch covid, what are your chances of dying? This was hard to figure out initially (i.e. in March 2020) since covid testing was a such shambles, but by May there was enough data to know the average infection fatality rate was less than 1% AND that there were massive differences by age. I am still not completely clear what the true average infection fatality rate is, due to my ignorance/perceptions of limitations in both covid testing and antibody testing, but below is data from an April 2020 study in the Netherlands and the most recent CDC estimates.

The Netherlands study, from April 2020, showed a 100 fold difference in risk for the under vs over 60s. This study aged pretty well……. I’ve not seen this risk profile contradicted anywhere, but some people still freak out about covid risks for their kids. (I’ll post more on this separately).

Here’s the latest best estimates from the CDC. You can find the source CDC data here. I’m not sure why, by September 2020, they couldn’t/wouldn’t show more granular data.